Temperance advancement 19th December
Temperance Mark Lodge No744 finished the year with an advancement ceremony. The Lodge meets at Woolton Golf Club and their last meeting was held on the 19th December.
With WBro Derek Gaskell in the chair and several visitors filling officers positions the Lodge got underway on time. After a successful ballot, the candidate Bro Jim Eddowes was announced and met in due form by IG Bro Tommy Lunt who then passed the candidate to the acting Senior Deacon, WBro Geoff Roberts.
At the end of the ceremony WBro Gaskell welcomed Jim to Temperance Mark Lodge. Then WBro Steve Walls the PGM’s, Special rep for the Liverpool Group of Mark Lodges welcomed Bro Eddowes into the Mark Degree and presented him with a personal letter from RWBro Keith Beardmore and a voucher for a reduction to attend the Provincial Grand Meeting at Blackpool on 2nd May 2024.
WBro Derek Gaskell thanked the visitors, WBros. David Atkinson; Alan Ledger; Steve Walls and Geoff Roberts;, who had helped him with the advancement ceremony. The next item on the summons was the election officers for the ensuing year.
Bro Rob James was declared Master Elect; Bro Gordon Sandford, Treasurer Elect and WBro Steve Lyons will be the new Tyler. During the rising WBro Derek Gaskell gave an update on the health of the Worshipful Master, WBro Doug Lace, who has been unwell for a while and then, wished all present seasonal greetings on behalf of himself and the WM;  before closing the Lodge for the last time in 2023.
All the members of Temperance Mark Lodge wish everyone a happy Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell